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We’re looking for a few good neighbors

Become a local fire or emergency medical service volunteer and join our extraordinary community of heroes.


When fire, disaster or medical emergency strikes, you take it for granted that your call for help will be answered. And it will be…but only because there are volunteers who willingly contribute their time and energy to keeping your community safe. These men and women are truly amazing, and they come from every walk of life; they work and live all around you. They share an unselfish, often underappreciated commitment to being there…ready to serve… whenever a crisis occurs. That is truly being a good neighbor.

Are you that kind of neighbor? Are you ready to stand up and do your part when the sirens call? It isn’t a decision to take lightly. It takes training, hard work and courage to be amazing. But it can also be the most satisfying and rewarding thing you ever do. Your local fire department/EMS needs you!

Check out these videos...

What it means to volunteer for your local fire department/EMS

Volunteering for your local fire department/EMS has its rewards

Camaraderie and social rewards of being a volunteer

What it takes to be a Firefighter/EMS

Hightlights of the work our volunteer ambulance companies perform daily

Various facets of the fire & EMS volunteer experience